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Official distributor stanley tools
4 May 2012, 17:11:12
STANLEY here is not one of the bulb brands in the market, but Stanley is a tool products for workshops that originated from USA. In 1843, Frederick... Read More »

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Autopart is a website that support automotive spare part needs. There are many spare part companies that would like to sell their products with competitive price however what need to be observed is that in the market recently many unreliable spare parts are distributed. The term used is “G-Box” or “Genuine Box” of which the box is genuine however the spare part inside is imitation. This has a major impact on the quality and lifetime of the part

We also appointed as a distributor for :
1. MIDTRONICS, Battery Tester branded from USA
2. BONUM, Timing Belt OEM quality from Thailand
3. STANLEY & EXPERT, tools of work shop branded from USA which has experience in this field for 169 years

Autopart, a subsidiary of PT. J.Autotrade give solution to you by selling quality spare part of many brands such as: Mitsubish, Ford, Hino, Toyota, Daihatsu, Suzuki, Honda and Tools Stanley. We also provides replacement parts with competitive price but with reliable quality that follow manufacture standard (OEM part).
David Widjaja (55 years old), that manages this spare part business has 30 years of experience in this field and has credibility that is assured. We hope with the conveniences that we offer in our website could help YOU.


Autopart adalah salah satu website yang mendukung kebutuhan spare part otomotive. Banyak pemain spare part yang ingin menjual partnya dengan harga yang sangat kompetitif, namun yang harus diperhatikan bahwa dipasar saat ini banyak beredar spare part yang tidak bisa dipertanggung jawabkan. Istilahnya adalah “G-Box' atau “Genuine Box” dimana box nya adalah genuine namun spare part didalamnya adalah imitasi. Hal ini berdampak sangat besar dengan kualitas dan umur dari part tersebut.

Kami juga ditunjuk sebagai Distributor untuk :
1.MIDTRONICS, Battery Tester ternama dari USA
2.BONUM, Timing Belt berkualitas OEM dari Thailand
3.STANLEY & Stanley EXPERT, peralatan bengkel dengan brand USA yang sudah berpengalaman di bidang ini selama 169 tahun.

Autopart yang bernaung di PT. J.Autotrade memberikan solusi kepada Anda dengan menjual spare part yang berkualitas berbagai merk, a.l; MITSUBISHI, FORD, HINO, TOYOTA, DAIHATSU, SUZUKI, HONDA dan TOOLS STANLEY. Kami juga menyediakan Replacement Part atau part pengganti dengan harga yang ekonomis namun kualitasnya dapat dipertanggung jawabkan karena mengikuti standar pabrikan (OEM Part).

David Widjaja (55 Tahun),yang mengolah bisnis Spare Part ini, sudah 30 tahun berpengalaman dibidangnya dan mempunyai kredibilitas tersendiri yang tidak diragukan lagi. Semoga dengan kemudahan-kemudahan yang kami tawarkan di Website kami dapat menolong ANDA..!